BIO-MESO Microneedle Meso Roller


Unlike most skin treatments, derma rollers do not put unnecessary strain on the skin. It helps build up collagen in the dermis of the skin without hurting the outer layer, epidermis. Users of derma rolling system will continuously experience constant skin regenerating effect through the holes created by the needles. As a result of its reparative power, skin becomes smoother, brighter and suppler. Users will see noticeable changes such as wrinkles fading, scars and cellulite smoothing.

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SKU: BIOM1 Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 9745


The derma roller uses medical device consisting of a heavy duty plastic roller head covered in high quality titanium needles. The needles are designed to penetrate the stratum corneum, conium the hard outer surface of the epidermal layer of the skin, body or scalp. Hundreds of tiny channels are created through the stratum corneum, which facilitate the passage and absorption of your skin care product, or minoxidil for hair restoration into the dermis, to maximize its absorption. It gently exfoliates excess skin cells which contribute to hair follicle malnutrition, scaring or premature aging, and ultimately hair follicle failure, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite and scars. The roller stimulates blood flow to the surface, gives a skin massage, cleans out the pores and stimulates collagen re-growth.

Instructions for use:

When you use our derma roller for the first time, you will get it out of a vacuum packed bag and it will be sterile.
1. First make the right choice of the length of the microneedle you plan to according to your skin condition.
2. Wash thoroughly your hands and face before the procedure, rub well all areas to remove bacteria.
3. Your cosmetologist can advice you on which cream you should use before the procedure to prepare your skin.
4. For the most sensitive patients a topical numbing cream can be used.
5. The Derma Roller should be used with short rolling movements. These have to be meticulously done, in orderly manner and without leaving a centimeter of skin without rolling. Homogeneity and uniformity of strikes, all performed with same strength and pressure on the device, will assure a smooth result. Follow 3 steps of needling to enhance the forming of the micro-channels. You have to roll in 3 directions on each area of your face: Horizontally, vertically, and diagonal around 7 to 15 times on each movement. Don’t roll twice on a previously treated area on the same session.
6. Apply a cool mask or cold packs after a Derma Roller session. It has the effect of easing and eliminating post-session redness.
7. Use of a moisturizing serum is advisable
8. Use a sun blocking cream during 7 days after the procedure.
9. Allow an interval of 4-6 weeks between the procedures to get good results.
10. Other procedures such as sub-scission, punch elevation may need to be combined for optimal results in acne scars.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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